Hosted by Jeffrey G. Marsocci, Esq.
also known as The Plain English Attorney(TM)
A review of common problems and situations (such as divorce and irresponsible spending) with sons-in-law and daughters-in-law when it comes to a child inheriting an estate directly, and what can happen over the long term to possibly cut out the grandchildren from inheriting.
How a protective planning strategy can secure assets for your children's lifetimes and then pass the inheritance to grandchildren while also protecting assets from divorcing/spendthrift spouses, creditors, bankruptcy, and Medicaid/disability spenddowns.
How the different components of the In-Law Protection Planning Strategy work, including the various trusts and documents involved. This includes the creation and operation of Asset Management Trusts, IRA Trusts, and the centerpiece Revocable Living Trust.
Presents "How to Protect Your Estate So It Goes to YOUR Descendants and NOT an In-Law (or their next spouse and step-children)" Webinar
Attorney and author Jeffrey G. Marsocci has spent his career helping families avoid the problems of court bureaucracies and "unintentional beneficiaries" by planning ahead the right way. Having a sketchy son-in-law or daughter-in-law... or just one you don't fully trust... can be difficult enough just dealing with them as family members. But this doesn't mean you have to risk YOUR life savings eventually ending up in their hands and not making it down to you grandchildren. In this webinar, Mr. Marsocci will cover how most estate plans don't protect inheritances for the next next generation (grandchildren) and are open to losses by an in-law, how most professions that touch upon estate planning can and often do destroy your contingent wishes, and, finally, how thinking the right way can be the key to making sure your estate goes to the people you want for two generations.
Many people want to absolutely make sure that their estate stays with their family members. Unfortunately, life doesn't always cooperate. This course reviews different problems, consequences, and ultimately solutions to make sure your life savings stays within your family.